
Learning Review

This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel appointed to roles within their organisations who lead or assist with Incident Investigations or those who are responsible for facilitating risk management or continuous improvement activities.

Learning reviews are an invaluable tool in both incident investigation and proactive risk management. Unlike traditional methods that often focus solely on assigning blame, learning reviews encourage a collaborative and holistic understanding of systemic factors that contribute to safety events. 

This fosters a culture of continuous improvement and shared responsibility . From an incident perspective, learning reviews helps organisations understand not just what went wrong, but why it made sense for individuals to behave as they did at the time, thereby providing deeper insights into systemic vulnerabilities. 

Proactively, they offer an opportunity to engage frontline workers in identifying hidden risks and operational realities, turning potential issues into actionable intelligence. By integrating learning reviews into your safety management processes, you open doors to not just mitigate risks, but to transform your organizational culture into one that values learning and resilience.

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Target Audience:

  • Personnel who have previously attended Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM) Training.

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 We can customise and adapt in-house courses to utilise your procedures, templates, terminology and analysis methodologies.

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