
Investigation Report Writing Workshop

This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who are required to compile data and prepare in-house incident investigation reports or prepare presentations upon completion of incident investigations.

The skills and knowledge possessed in order to conduct an incident investigation do not always go hand-in-hand with the skills and knowledge required to complete a well written Incident Investigation Report.

This workshop focuses on how to prepare a well-written report or presentation to ensure the key facts, contributing factors, recommendations and significant learnings for the organisation are conveyed effectively

Worker Wearing Safety Harness

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17 - 17 Sep 2024
10 - 10 Dec 2024

Course Details:

Collecting all the data and organising it during an incident investigation can be a challenge, let alone transposing the data to an incident investigation report or presentation. This workshop focuses on how to prepare a well-written report or presentation to ensure the key facts, contributing factors, recommendations and significant learnings for the organisation are conveyed effectively.

Target Audience:

  • Personnel who would be required to prepare incident investigation reports.

Need an In-House Training?

 We can customise and adapt in-house courses to utilise your procedures, templates, terminology and analysis methodologies.

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