
Workplace Health and Safety (WHS)

At ICAM Australia, we understand that Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation and the overarching responsibility to keep people safe can appear overwhelming and daunting.

We can assist by ensuring that organisations and individuals understand the duty of care they have to operate safely and comply with regulatory obligations.

ICAM Australia has a proven capability in applying knowledge, training and systems to help organisations meet their compliance obligations and enhance operational safety and efficiency through a range of services.


Benefits of WHS Systems

Creating a safe work environment is a legal requirement and critical to the long term success of an organisation or business. The key benefits of an effective WHS system include:

Reduced risks and effective risk management

Reduced injuries and illnesses

Compliance with legislative requirements and employee responsibilities / accountabilities

Reduced workers compensation costs

Improved corporate governance

Improved safety and operational efficiency

Improved personnel involvement and morale

Improved industry and public confidence

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WHS Obligations

Under Australian legislation businesses and organisations are legally obliged to:

  • provide safe work premises,
  • assess risks and implement appropriate measures for controlling them,
  • ensure safe use and handling of goods and substances,
  • provide and maintain safe machinery and materials,
  • assess workplace layout and provide safe systems of work,
  • provide a suitable working environment and facilities; and
  • have insurance and workers’ compensation insurance for employees.
Understand Your Responsibility

Consultancy Services

At ICAM Australia we can assist with a variety of services in relation to WHS such as:

Developing, reviewing or enhancing WHS policies, processes and procedures

Safety Culture Assessments

Behavioural Safety Programs

Development of Safety Cases

Auditing / benchmarking


The expertise and communication was outstanding.  All findings were accepted and an action plan raised to implement the recommendations.

Have any questions?

Contact us to discuss your needs