In-House Training Options
ICAM Australia have carefully selected and designed a variety of courses to enhance the skills and knowledge of personnel involved in all aspects of incident investigations.
Select each course option to view specific course details and to enquire about available dates.
This two (2) day workshop is designed for is designed for personnel who are required to conduct incident investigations and further their understanding of human performance capabilities and limitations.
A high percentage of occurrences within safety critical industries demonstrate failures in human performance as being causal or contributory factors. Therefore, in endeavouring to improve safety it is essential for personnel to have an appreciation of not only human performance capabilities, but also human performance limitations. To acquire this appreciation and better understand human performance, a working knowledge of Human Factors is required by Incident Investigators.
This half (1/2) day course is designed for Senior Management and personnel appointed as Approving Officers for Incident Investigations to gain an applied understanding of the investigation methodology and learn the knowledge and skills required to effectively review, critically assess and sign-off on incident investigation reports.
For those personnel appointed to approve Incident Investigations it is critical that they understand the investigation methodology in order to be able to review the report and have assurance that the recommendations proposed will achieve the goal of prevention of recurrence and reduction of risk.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who have completed the “ICAM for Lead Investigators” course and have been selected by Management to enhance and refine their skills with the aim of becoming an ICAM Subject Matter Expert for their organisation.
The skills and knowledge gained by ICAM Training require applied experience to develop and refine expertise and ensure quality investigations and reports.
This workshop further develops the expertise of ICAM Lead Investigators and focuses on quality assurance and best practices in the conduct of incident investigations.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who may be among the first responders to an incident and are responsible for the immediate actions in relation to the investigation after any emergency response is complete.
Incident sites are dynamic – rarely do they remain the same for very long. After ensuring that personnel are safe and confirming any hazards are under control, the Investigation Team needs to determine very quickly “what did it look like at the time of the incident?”… Not after the rescue, recovery, clean-up etc. has been conducted
Knowing what to look for at an incident scene quickly and how to record that data is crucial to the credibility of evidence collected during an investigation. Evidence does not remain in-situ for long and Investigators need to ensure they collect data quickly before changes are made and evidence is compromised, destroyed or goes missing. This workshop will provide a methodical approach to the Immediate Actions and Site Inspection requirements during an investigation integrated into a practical (mock) incident scene.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who are required to conduct witness interviews as part of incident investigations. Attendees will learn how to effectively apply the Hierarchy of Questioning Technique to obtain and assess information from personnel who were involved, saw or responded to incidents.
- How much weight can you place on information from witnesses to an incident?
- How can you prepare to maximise the potential benefit from witness accounts?
- What questions should you ask?
- What do you do when accounts from different witnesses differs?
Information from witnesses can be valuable, however, there are many considerations to be taken into account.
Obtaining information from key witnesses during an incident investigation can be challenging, particularly when information from various sources does not align. This workshop will provide a structured approach to witness interviewing and a method to weigh up and compare different accounts or inconsistencies.
This two (2) day course is designed for personnel appointed as Lead Incident Investigators to gain an applied understanding of the investigation methodology and learn the knowledge and skills required to effectively lead and facilitate incident investigations.
For those personnel appointed as Lead Incident Investigators, it is critical that they have in-depth knowledge and skills not only of how to investigate incidents, but how to manage resources to achieve the incident aim of prevention of recurrence and reduction of risk.
This one (1) day course is designed for personnel expected to be part of an incident investigation team to gain an applied understanding of the investigation methodology and learn the knowledge and skills required to be an effective team member in incident investigations.
For those personnel expected to be part of an incident investigation team, they need to have the basic knowledge and skills to understand the investigation methodology, their role in the investigation and how they can support the Lead Investigator.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who have previously completed training in ICAM but have not applied their skills for some time and would benefit from a refresher of the key principles and skills required to conduct an ICAM Investigation.
To maximise the effectiveness of ICAM Training, the knowledge and skills gained should be utilised in an applied manner. For those personnel who have not had an opportunity to apply their skills since initial training or would like assurance they are conducting ICAM investigations effectively, this workshop will provide an overview of the principles and address any specific knowledge gaps or challenges for attendees.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for is designed for personnel who are required to compile data and prepare in-house incident investigation reports or prepare presentations upon completion of incident investigations.
The skills and knowledge possessed in order to conduct an incident investigation do not always go hand-in-hand with the skills and knowledge required to complete a well written Incident Investigation Report.
Collecting all the data and organising it during an incident investigation can be a challenge, let alone transposing the data to an incident investigation report or presentation. This workshop focuses on how to prepare a well-written report or presentation to ensure the key facts, contributing factors, recommendations and significant learnings for the organisation are conveyed effectively.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for personnel who are required to utilise the 5 Why’s problem solving technique as part of incident investigations to learn the key principles to ensure the process effectively identifies and addresses the root causes of an incident. (Note - workshop also available as a ½ day option)
In relation to incident investigations, the 5 Why’s Technique is a well-known process that aims to distinguish an incident’s visible symptoms from the underlying latent root causes. Many organisations either use this technique for low level incidents or require this process to be completed in conjunction with the Incident Cause Analysis Method (ICAM).
>While the end process from conducting a 5 Why’s can be beneficial in identifying the root causes of an incident, the key process steps and questioning technique are critical to ensure an effective outcome. This workshop will address how to ensure all phases of the incident are addressed and latent issues identified.
This one (1) day workshop is designed for is designed for personnel who are required to compile data and prepare in-house incident investigation reports or prepare presentations upon completion of incident investigations.
The skills and knowledge possessed in order to conduct an incident investigation do not always go hand-in-hand with the skills and knowledge required to complete a well written Incident Investigation Report.
Collecting all the data and organising it during an incident investigation can be a challenge, let alone transposing the data to an incident investigation report or presentation. This workshop focuses on how to prepare a well-written report or presentation to ensure the key facts, contributing factors, recommendations and significant learnings for the organisation are conveyed effectively.